Gwen Graham announces endorsements for her campaign for Florida governor
Jeb Bush should stop talking and start running for the Senate

Charlie Crist needs a nap




Poor Charlie Crist. The Florida Congressman couldn't sleep a wink last night.  Of course Crist's reason for not sleeping was a tad different than Frank Sinatra's song would suggest. Sinatra didn't have to worry about "Trumpcare."

So here's what Democrat Crist is sending out in an email:

I was up all night thinking about the score of Trumpcare 2.0, friend.

850%. That's the estimate of how much insurance premiums would rise for elderly, poor people over the next decade. That's shameful. I’m incredibly disheartened that my colleagues in the House put politics over people -- and I’m going to do everything I can to stop it.

 Will you help me show my colleagues how many of us are against this horrendous bill? Sign my petition right now.

 Trumpcare 2.0 is un-American. We need to look out for each other -- not rip away health care from 23 million people.

Thank you,

 Sent from my iPhone
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Charlie Crist
Subject: FWD: BREAKING: 23 million people could lose their care
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 2017


 We now know how many Americans will be kicked off their health insurance if the House Republicans’ “health care” bill is passed by the U.S. Senate -- and the numbers aren’t good.

I hate to say it, but we were right. According to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, 23 million people will lose their health insurance if Trumpcare 2.0 gets signed into law. Let that number sink in.
Health care is a human right -- it’s not just for the privileged few. If this bill becomes law, millions will suffer -- sadly, some will even die because of it. In the most powerful country in the world, that is completely unacceptable. 




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Soothing piece of music

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