Florida Senator Frank Artiles resigns following offensive remarks
Gwen Graham becomes third Graham to run for Florida Governor

Florida Democrats decide to use Frank Artiles resignation to raise money

Old skits


Tasteless? Perhaps. A little too quick on the draw? Possibly. But none of that is stopping Florida Democrats from turning the resignation of Florida Sen. Frank Artiles into a fundraising opportunity - just a couple of hours after he resigns.

Will it work?

Here's the pitch:

BREAKING NEWS (via FlaDems.com)<[email protected]>

Developing: state Senator Frank Artiles resigns over racist attacks.

Friend: Moments ago, racist state Senator Frank Artiles resigned from his seat, setting up a HIGHLY competitive special election.

Here’s the thing: Nationwide, we’ve seen Democrats make BIG gains in ruby-red districts during special elections. If we want to flip this seat, we have to bring that same enthusiasm to this special election.

HERE IS WHAT WE NEED: We need to raise another $10,000 into our Special Election Rapid Response Fund before midnight tonight. Can you click here and donate $2 now?

Donate $2 now

Donate $25 now

Donate $50 now

Donate $100 now


This race will be the first major election that Floridians face since November’s disastrous results.

If we’re able to deliver a big win and take this seat back, it will send a crystal clear message that Floridians aren’t going to stand for Donald Trump and Frank Artiles’s extreme, racist right-wing agenda.

Chip in now: http://act.floridadems.org/special-election

Thanks for all you do,




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James M. Ray

Hey FlaDems. If you want ANY chance of victory, I'd suggest watching this short video from the Chairman of my tiny political party, since our votes might just be the swing votes in this race and the LPF isn't likely to run anybody against you this time. Have fun, and THINK before you spend! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-deBXMY1168

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