Patrick Murphy accuses Marco Rubio of lying about immigration
After a crummy week of media reports questioning the veracity of parts of his resume, Democratic Senate candidate Patrick Murphy is apparently hoping to change topics with this tidbit about Republican Marco Rubio. We suspect Rubio (and Murphy's Democratic rival, Alan Grayson, are not about to let Murphy's resume questions slide.
From the Murphy campaign:
Patrick Murphy released the following statement on the anniversary of the Senate passing Comprehensive Immigration Reform:
“Our families need a fighter who will stand up to fix our broken immigration system, stand by their word, and do their job. I’m the only candidate who will put Florida families first and I will continue fighting to pass comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate.”
"By any measure, fears of (Illegal) immigration are driving many white Americans to the Republican Party. And, indeed, the Republican strategy on immigration appears to have been successful. Republicans now control the House and the Senate, the governor’s office in 31 states, and two-thirds of the state legislatures. They are winning the political war."
"An even bigger factor is that the ties of racial and ethnic minorities to the Democratic Party are tenuous. Research by Taeku Lee and myself shows that most Latinos and Asian Americans don’t feel like they fit into either party. In national surveys, those who refuse to answer a question about party identification, those who claim that they do not think in partisan terms, and independents make up the clear majority of both groups. All told, 56 percent of Latinos and 57 percent of Asian-American identify as nonpartisans.
Even among blacks, there are signs of ambivalence. Almost 30 percent of blacks feel
that the Democratic Party does not work hard for black interests."
"Most Hispanics aren't single-issue voters when it comes to immigration. A recent Gallup poll found that among registered Latino voters, 67 percent are at least willing to support a candidate who doesn't share their views on immigration. And 18 percent don't consider the issue important at all.
What's more, many Hispanic citizens have little sympathy for immigrants who haven't played by the rules. Especially among Latino voters born in the United States, resentment of immigrants who have entered the country illegally can run deep. Forty-two percent of American-born Hispanics disapprove of President Obama's executive actions to prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants."
Reuben Navarette: No Joke: Trump Can Win Plenty of Latinos
Gee, No wonder why I fall into the Proud Independent group.
Posted by: Don Honda | 06/28/2016 at 04:03 PM
"No, Our Immigration System Is Not Broken"
Posted by: Don Honda | 06/28/2016 at 04:02 PM