Jeb Bush should be asked this question about Terri Schiavo during Iowa debate
Jeb Bush never called Michael Schiavo.
Consider that for a minute.
Whether you agree or disagree with ending of Terri Schiavo’s life shouldn’t Bush have called the husband?
There is no question that Bush became overwhelmed by the sadness of the situation. He quickly sided with Terri’s parents who deeply believed that their daughter could still recover. Her parents fought in every way they could to stop Michael from allowing doctors to remove life support.
Despite a series of state and federal court decisions, and despite the finding of the doctors who cared for her, Bush abused his office in a futile effort to stop doctors from the pulling the plug.
Even after Bush lost, he tried to have Michael investigated. Bush wanted revenge.
A devout Catholic, who in a recent statement about abortion said he believes in supporting life “from inception to natural death,” Bush simply did not believe that anyone had the right to end Terri’s life – even if doctors were convinced she was in a persistent vegetative state.
But unlike the parish priest who would have met not only with Terri’s parents but her husband as well, Bush never reached out to Michael.
How can the governor of a state interfere in such a family tragedy without talking to the husband?
Even if he had, Bush may have still taken all the same actions.
But how do you step into the middle of a family tragedy without talking to the husband? And what does that say about Jeb Bush?
Even after speaking with Michael Schiavo, Bush may have decided Michael was wrong and that the governor should use all the powers of his office and intervene.
But how do you not speak with the husband? Isn’t that a fundamental obligation once you decide you might want to step into the middle of a sad family saga? And isn't it particularly relevant now that Bush's Right to Rise PAC is using Terri Schiavo in a new campaign ad?
And shouldn't we know - what would President Jeb Bush do?
Bush should be asked during tonight’s debate – Why didn’t you speak to the husband?
Note: For an excellent review of Bush's role in the Schiavo case read this Politico story by Michael Kruse.
If Jeb were truly a "devout Catholic," he could not have signed 21 death warrants.
Posted by: Ron Hayes | 01/28/2016 at 01:24 PM