Lindsey Graham's odd moment with Jeb Bush
Barbara Bush says in new ad she likes Jeb

Jeb Bush rips Marco Rubio

 In less than two minutes, Jeb Bush six times says Marco Rubio, "cut and run" saway from immigration reform when Rubio was a member of the bi-partisan Gang of Eight.

Bush questions Marco's leadership skills and says when he sees a problem he tries to solve. Bush suggests that he would have come up with a bi-partisan consensus that would have passed both the House and Senate.

The rivalry between Bush and Rubio has become highly personal. Bush and his most ardent supporters remain angry that Rubio, one a political friend and ally, dared to challenge Florida's former governor for Republican presidential nomination.

This video from today's press conference announcing the endorsement of South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham,  is one of Bush's more passionate moments. 


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