Marco Rubio saying nothing brilliantly in this video
This is Marco Rubio at his video best. Looking earnest. Looking concerned. Looking determined.
And saying - well nothing really. But it sounds very good.
"We will have a foreign policy of moral clarity that is clear whose side we're on. We are on the side of freedom and democracy and those who are willing to fight for their own freedom and democracy. And our enemies and our adversaries will not dare test us because they will know if they do they will not prevail"
The ad concludes with this from an announcer:
"Marco Rubio, the one Republican Hillary hopes she never has to run against."
Now let's dissect a bit.
Is there a candidate not "on the side of freedom and democracy?"
Is there a candidate not on the side of those "willing to fight for their own freedom and democracy?"
And this bit: "our enemies and adversaries will dare not test us."
Let's just note that history would suggest otherwise.
So will this ad, done by the Rubio supporting PAC Conservative Solutions, sway Iowa and New Hampshire voters?
It may have less impact than Rubio's performance tonight at the Las Vegas debate.
You decide.