Jeb Bush to speak at Forum Club
Jeb Bush comes to West Palm Beach on December 28 to speak to the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches. This is a non-partisan group that brings national speakers to its luncheons.
Speakers get questions from the audience with the first two questions coming from students who attend nearby high schools or universities. It is not unusual for more than 800 South Florida political, business and community leaders to attend.
Here's the announcement:
Presidential Contender and
Former Governor Jeb Bush
Monday, Dec. 28th, 2015
Jeb Bush brings his campaign to be President of the United States to the Forum Club of the Palm Beaches on Dec. 28. This will be his first time addressing the organization since he served as governor.
Even though it is the holidays, we anticipate a large turnout. Please order your reserved tickets and tables today by calling Administrator Wendy Norris at: (561) 881-9977.
Bush served as governor of Florida from 1999 through 2007, making him the third Republican elected to the state’s highest office and the first Republican in the state’s history to be reelected.
During his two terms, he cut $19 billion in taxes, vetoed more than $2 billion in earmarks and reduced the state government workforce by 13,000. Among his accomplishments was an overhaul of the state’s education system.
Following his time as governor, Bush returned to the private sector and devoted his time to issues he is passionate about, including educational reform.
In 2013, he authored Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution with leading constitutional litigator Clint Bolick, outlining a conservative reform strategy to fix the nation’s broken immigration system.
The Forum Club’s Dec. 28 luncheon with former Gov. Jeb Bush will be held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center, 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach. *Note location. Buffet lines open at11:15 a.m.
PHONE AND MAILING ADDRESS:. Order your reserved tables and tickets today either by calling in your order to Administrator Wendy Norris: (561) 881-9977 or mailing a check to the Forum Club: P.O. Box 14877, North Palm Beach, FL 33408. Tickets cannot be purchased online. All tickets must be paid by check at the time of the order. No credit cards.
*NOTE TICKET PRICES: member tickets, $40; guest tickets ordered by members, $50; applicant tickets, $50; public tickets, $75. Reserved tables of 10 ordered by a member, $450. Student tables, $300.