Some things that will not be highlighted in the Quinnipiac Florida poll
Alan Grayson web ad attacks Patrick Murphy

Don Gaetz should apologize and resign from Florida Senate

Don Gaetz has been exposed. The former Senate President promised Floridians that during his tenure, legislative and congressional redistricting would be "the most transparent" in Florida history.

Gaetz lied.

Court documents obtained by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times show that Gaetz was part of a conspiracy to deceive the public. A lower court and the Florida Supreme Court tossed out the congressional map calling it unconstitutional. The Senate has already admitted it got caught and will redo the senate map.

Gaetz, who smugly sat on witness stand during the circuit court hearing, secretly worked with political operatives, Senate staff and others to create an illegal Senate map that would favor Republicans.

According to the Herald/Times, court documents show that "before the public release of that map, Gaetz was privately conducting secret briefings with individual senators, via video conference, in which they would discuss possible alterations to the proposed Senate map."

In a deposition, John Guthrie, the former staff director of the Senate Reapportionment Committee who retired in June, said that Gaetz intentionally conducted individual meetings with senators so they could “share their reactions” and avoid the public meeting requirements of the Senate rules.

This is a must read story
In one sense, none of it is new. The depositions are a confirmation of the deliberately secret acts orchestrated and allowed to take place by Gaetz.
Gaetz only got caught because he wound up in court. He has cost the taxpayers a great deal of money in special sessions and needless court fights.
Many in Tallahassee like to preach about accountability. 
Gaetz is accountable. Now what is he going to do about it?


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