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Jeff Atwater announces he will not run for Marco Rubio seat

Everything about this surprise announcement from Florida CFO Jeff Atwater seems odd. Widely expected to run for Marco Rubio's senate senate seat, Atwater stunned the political world today by dropping out of the race.

Atwater says in a prepared statement that instead of going to Washington, he wants to be the "best CFO I can be for the people of Florida."

Since most Floridians who or what the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of Florida is or does, one can be assured that there is little concern about the office and who holds it.  Also, Atwater was prepared to leave the job last year in an ill-fated bid to become president of Florida Atlantic University.

And folks who know Atwater have long said that being CFO is not something he has enjoyed, and that he longs for something else. 

It is also odd to make this announcement on a Saturday - not usually the day for major campaign announcements.

Here is Atwater's announcement:

Over the past weeks I have received a tremendous amount of encouragement to consider a run for the United States Senate in 2016. In response, we reached out to many friends around Florida and the country to discuss the direction in which politicians in Washington are taking our Country.

Universally, these conversations expressed deep concerns over the fiscal train-wreck of our Federal government, the lack of leadership on the world stage and the abandonment of our faithful allies, the bureaucratic stranglehold on our economy that is crushing hardworking middle class Americans, and the disgraceful assault on religious freedom.

I am most humbled that these conversations included a deep expression of confidence and urging by so many friends that we advance with a candidacy for the United States Senate.

While I have certainly taken these words of support under consideration, I will not be a candidate for U.S. Senate in 2016. I remain committed to only one endeavor and that is to be the best CFO I can be for the people of Florida.

This effort was graced with amazing support from across the State of Florida by grassroots activists, donors, and an amazing team who were on this journey with me.

As an American, and in my capacity as Florida’s CFO I will continue to fight for the foundational principles that gave birth to this country and which have proven beyond any doubt, and with apologies to none, that the United States of America is “...the last best hope on earth.”


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