What should Rick Scott do now about Charlie Crist and FanGate
Is Rick Scott about to spend $20 million of his own money to defeat Charlie Crist

Rick Scott tries to explain FanGate to CNN

Florida Governor Rick Scott sat down with CNN's Wolf Blitzer to give his version of what happen during FanGate. 

To be generous, some of Scott's explanation rings odd. Perhaps the most important news came when Blitzer assured Scott that fan will not be allowed at the CNN debate next Tuesday in Jacksonville.

Scott said he doesn't care what Charlie Crist brings to the debate. He suggested Crist could bring a humidifier or microwave.

One relief for Scott was the fact that the debate organizers - Leadership Florida and Florida Press Association - agreed that Crist did violate the rules by plugging in small fan under his podium.

Here's what Scott told Blitzer. 


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By far, this is the easiest voting decision I have ever made in my lifetime. Adrian Wyllie, you have my vote.

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