Tom Slade a master politician and chairman of Florida Republican Party is dead
Rick Scott, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio event Friday at the Biltmore

Rick Scott suggests that he is indeed ready to spend his own money

Last week, Crowley Political Report told you that Florida Gov. Rick Scott may be ready to dump up to $22 million of his own money into his campaign for reelection.

Yesterday, the Miami Herald came close to getting Scott to admit it.

From the Herald:

Asked if he (Scott) might therefore put his own money into the race, Scott only said: "we’ll see.”

Question: “You haven’t yet though?”

Scott: “We’ll see.”

Scott could be plowing money into the Republican Party of Florida, which doesn’t have to report its finances until the end of the month. Scott signed an election bill that required more disclosure, but it omitted disclosing these types of transactions.

Here is our original report:

Both Rick Scott's campaign and the Florida Republican Party have offered "no comment" to a Crowley Political Report question about whether the Governor is about to dip into his bank account to the tune of $20 million to spend on his effort to defeat Democrat Charlie Crist.

A Republican source confirms the $20 million, while a Democratic source says the word last week was that Scott would spend $22 million.

Scott campaign spokesman Greg Blair replied to a Crowley Political Report email with: "No comment here." And Florida GOP spokeswoman Susan Hepworth replied, "no comment."

Neither of those replies suggest that the Scott rumor is true.

Throughout the campaign, despite prodigious fundraising, it has been expected that Scott, who spent more than $70 million of his own money to win in 2010, would again dip into his coffers to boost his campaign in the final weeks.

It will be interesting to hear what Scott says the next time he is asked about using his own money for the campaign. Even if he says he is not using his money, the rumor is not likely to be put to rest until all the campaign finance disclosures are completed.

Meanwhile, both Republicans and Democrats continue to speculate about the cash. Is it real, or just an effort to spook the Crist campaign?


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Questions for all republicans: Do you like Obamacare? Do you like Common Core? Do you like Free college to illegals? Do you like Medicaid expansion? Do you like Increased spending? Yes or No?
The only candidate running that is against all those things listed is Adrian Wyllie. Shouldn't he be the one we are voting for?
If you like all those things listed, by all means vote for Scott or Crist, but don't dare call yourself a republican anymore.

By far, this is the easiest voting decision I have ever made in my
lifetime.. Adrian Wyllie, you have my vote. Also, Bill Wohlsifer

No on 1

Yes on 2

No on 3

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