Rudy Giuliani still ticked off at Charlie Crist
Is this why Rick Scott is skipping a deposition on Friday

New ad says Charlie Crist claimed he was helpless

One of the silliest but perhaps most effective charges level at Democrat Charlie Crist by Republican Rick Scott is that Crist lost 1 million jobs while he was governor, caused the housing crisis, and single handily destroyed Florida's economy.

Not of that is true. But you can doubt whether Crist was fully engaged in trying to ease the crisis. It is clear that Crist spent little time in the office, worried a lot about becoming a vice presidential candidate, and was more than happy to jump to the U.S. Senate after a mere two years as governor.

Still, this Republican Party of Florida ad continues a campaign fib that suggests Scott's internal polls are showing - it's working.

The closing line is interesting: We don't need a governor like Charlie who runs away and admits he's helpless in tough times. 


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