Rick Scott campaign ad notes Charlie Crist absence
Tom Slade a master politician and chairman of Florida Republican Party is dead

In tight Florida Senate race, Mark Foley hosts fundraiser for Ellyn Bogdanoff

One of the most important Florida Senate races is a rematch between Democratic state Sen. Maria Sachs and Republican Ellyn Bogdanoff who lost a bitter race to Sachs in 2012.

Much is at stake. If Bogdanoff wins she is expected to support state Sen. Jack Latvala in his bare knuckles brawl with Sen. Joe Negron to become the 2016 senate president. Plus, a Bogdanoff victory would give the Senate a veto proof edge that could make Florida's next governor - Republcian Rick Scott or Democrat Charlie Crist - miserable.

Former Republican Congressman Mark Foley is hosting a fundraiser tonight for Bogdanoff as his West Palm Beach home.  

Senate district 34 includes parts of Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

The invitation to tonight's fundraiser is below.


Foley bogdanoff




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como rezar el rosario

nice post


lol ellyn would ask a child molester for money

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