Charlie Crist calls on Bill Clinton to resign
Republicans launch new ad with great music and a hard hit at Charlie Crist

Charlie Crist drops by the diner in his new campaign ad

 Democratic candidate for Floirda governor, Charlie Crist, stares directly at the viewer in this new campaign ad dubbed "Powerful."

The ad opens with a boy and girl leaving a house, apparently heading to school, with mom looking on.  Crist begins speaking as he enters a small diner:

"Government of the people. by the people, for the people. That's how it's supposed to be but under Rick Scott we've got government of the special interests, by the big corporations, and for the powerful.

Crist sits down at a lunch counter and continues:

"Tax breaks and state contracts for them. Cuts in education, higher utility bills and property tax bills for you."

As the scene of a woman apparently looking at bills fades, Crist says:

"You deserve a governor who will put you the people first. Who will fight for hard working families like yours. That's exactly what I will do - every   single   day."

What may make this ad effective is the weariness folks are having about the months of unrelenting negatives ads that Crist and Republican Governor Rick Scott have been huring at each other. 

If nothing else, this is a refreshing change of pace. Will it help Crist who in a new Tampa Bay Times poll is trailing Scott by 5 points?

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Great to see this type of ad. We need to get that fraud Rick Scott out of office.

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