Rick Scott ad accuses his opponent of copying Scott
Florida Republicans say sorry Charlie

Florida Democrats launch release the deposition website

UPDATE: Florida GOP responds: “Charlie Crist’s campaign of constant distraction and mudslinging is an attempt to hide his own problems with ethics and transparency. Crist is drumming up old, failed attacks because he doesn’t want to talk about the 38 days it’s been since he refused to release his and his spouse’s tax returns, and the 179 days it’s been since he refused to debate Nan Rich.” –Susan Hepworth, RPOF Communications Director

Florida Democrats have created a "Release the Deposition" website demanding that Governor Rick Scott provide a public copy of the 2010 deposition involving a lawsuit claiming Solantic, a healthcare company in which he was founder, had committed fraud.

The website features a quote from then Florida House Speaker Larry Cretul, a Republican, stating: "I request you release all documents related to the multiple concerning lawsuits against your company, Solantic, which is now surrounded by allegations of fraud, criminal activity and discrimination."

A countdown clock shows that it has been 1,566 days since Scott refused to release a copy of deposition. 

Release the Deposition also includes a video that uses images not from 2010 but apparently from a much earlier deposition taken in an unrelated lawsuit involving the national hospital Columbia/HCA.

Scrolling across the images, the video text says: "In 2010, Rick Scott's healthcare company Solantic was sued for fraud. Six days before he announced his campaign for governor, he was deposed under oath."

Next you hear the voice of Miami Herald report Marc Caputo asking Scott, "Will you release the deposition?"

Scott replies: "It's a private matter and I will not release the deposition."

The image switches back to Scott's earlier deposition and the text says: "What is he hiding? Release the deposition Governor."

The ad is paid for by the Florida Democratic Party.

Scott sold his interest in the company in 2011 after suggestions that he was pushing legislation that would help Solantic. More on that controversy here.

Newsmax reporting about Republican concerns about Solantic included this:

10 Republican lawmakers in Florida — nine members of the state House and one state senator — sent a letter to Scott stating: “Recently, it has come to our attention that just six days before you announced your candidacy for governor, you were deposed over allegations amounting to criminal and fraudulent activity at Solantic, a company you founded and operate. Instead of being forthcoming about your role in the case, it appears you worked behind the scenes to prevent this deposition from reaching the public view.

“As state legislators with an interest in building on our party’s success over the past 12 years, we are concerned your refusal to be upfront with the public in this case could severely jeopardize your chances of becoming governor should you win the Republican gubernatorial primary.

“We ask that you release your deposition and all documents related to and concerning lawsuits against Solantic in order to provide the transparency the public wants and deserves.

“If you remain unwilling to release these materials and answer questions on these issues, we believe you should immediately withdraw from the race for the good of our party and the conservative cause in Florida.”

Read the Newsmax story here.

Will any of this help Democrat Charlie Crist? Scott did manage to overcome the issue in his GOP primary race with Bill McCollum. And he narrowly defeated Democratic candidate Alex Sink. 

Can it work this time?

Now the video:



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Rick Scott is starting to implode. His refusal to answer questions is his undoing. It also is an embarrassment to Florida.

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