Did Charlie Crist fudge his financial disclosure report
Ethics complaints have become a staple of Florida politics so it is not surprising that Sarasota County GOP chairman Joe Gruters has filed an ethics complaint against Democratic candidate for governor Charlie Crist.
Gruter is accusing Crist of not filing a "full and public disclosure" of his financial interests as required by state law. Gruter seems concerned that Crist has told the media he rents a condo and St. Petersburg and leases a Jeep Cherokee while not specificly revealing these items on his disclosure form.
The complaint also questions income Crist received from the St. Joe Company as a member of its board and as a consultant. Gruter also wonders about potential sources of income for Charlie Crist LLC.
Of course Gruter is not acting as a concerned citizen here. His complaint was distributed by the Republican Party of Florida whose full time job is the reelection of Governor Rick Scott.
Still, financial disclosure is fair game. If Crist was sloppy or deliberately misleading, it would be a cause for concern.
If nothing else, it is another day where Scott's campaign is trying to make the daily story about Crist mishaps - and so far Scott's team is keeping Crist on the ropes.
Read the complaint here: Download Crist complaint