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Rick Scott campaign responds to Florida Democratic Party

Well that didn't take long. A couple of hours ago Crowley Political Report posted a Florida Democratic Party video questions Republican Gov. Rick Scott's promise about creating jobs.See it here. Now we have the Scott campaign response:

Good afternoon,

 Does the Florida Democratic Party really want to get in a debate about jobs?

 After discussing manufacturing at his Cabinet meeting today, Governor Rick Scott just mentioned this fact in his press gaggle: Of the over 800,000 jobs that Florida lost while Charlie Crist was governor, over 100,000 were manufacturing jobs.

 Here are the facts:

  • When Charlie Crist started his term as Governor, 411,200 Floridians were employed in the manufacturing sector.
  • When Charlie Crist ran away, 310,200 Floridians were employed in the manufacturing sector.
  • That’s a loss of 101,000 manufacturing jobs. 

Like the rest of Florida, manufacturing was long neglected by Charlie Crist … even before he RAN AWAY. That’s why Governor Scott eliminated the sales tax on manufacturing machinery and equipment, which went into effect just two weeks ago, to make Florida more competitive with other states and countries – all to create great careers.


 Matt Moon

Communications Director

Rick Scott for Florida


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Jobs? If we are talking only about factory jobs, could the hidden problem be the cost of local property taxes because of the 'burden' placed on counties for repairs and EMS required due to hurricane aftermath. I see "shovel ready" projects right here on Military Trail just South of Atlantic : why the paving stopped here is a mystery: money, politics, mediocrity on the part of the winning contractor, I don't know. It is very frustrating to attempt to walk when sidewalks suddenly end or paths and bus stops collect water. But then I am not an 'engineer.' There are more stories, but who cares?

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