Marco Rubio wonders if you can spare a dime
Florida Senator Marco Rubio is apparently still not very fond of former Governor Charlie Crist. We hear the two had a falling out.
Now Rubio would like you to give a few bucks to help keep Governor Rick Scott in office - and to crush is former buddy.
From the Republican Party of Florida:
Good Afternoon,
Charlie Crist announced his candidacy for the United States Senate five years ago yesterday. Helping us mark this anniversary is Senator Marco Rubio, who just sent out the following fundraising appeal for the Republican Party of Florida. The message from Senator Rubio is clear: it’s time to re-defeat Charlie Crist.
Five years ago, Charlie Crist announced that he was running for the U.S. Senate. At the time, I was 20-30 points down in the polls. No one thought I had a chance. But with your support, things changed, and Floridians were exposed to the phony that is Charlie Crist. Today, I’m asking you to help the Republican Party of Florida re-defeat Charlie Crist. Five years ago, Crist sold himself as a conservative Republican, but he sure didn’t act like one. As Governor, he raised taxes by $2.2 billion, increased state debt by $5.2 billion, and oversaw an economy that lost 832,000 jobs. Now, Charlie Crist has switched from Republican to Democrat, with a pit stop as an independent. He’s running out of parties. |
I need you to support the Republican Party of Florida and help keep Charlie Crist out of the Governor’s Mansion. Floridians can’t afford to go back to the policies he embraced.
Crist supports Obamacare, causing Floridians to lose their doctors and their insurance plans.
He supports President Obama’s economic policies and won’t rule out raising taxes again as Governor.
On top of that, Charlie Crist has called for lifting the Cuban embargo, saying that Florida’s Cuban community needs to be stood up to, even while human rights abuses grow worse by the day for people under the Castro regime and while they export their brutal brand of repression to Venezuela as well.
I was elected as your Senator because the voters responded to my call for low taxes, more freedom, and a government that lives within its means.
Please join me in supporting the Republican Party of Florida so that we can stop Charlie Crist’s liberal agenda from taking hold in Florida once again.
Proud to Stand,
Marco Rubio
Paid political advertisement paid for by the Republican Party of Florida, 420 E. Jefferson Street, Tallahassee, FL 32301.
Paid for by the Republican Party of Florida. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
Contributions to the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.
Marco Rubio is only soliciting federally-permissible funds in connection with this solicitation; he is not soliciting any corporate or labor union contributions.