Why Charlie Crist is right
Are GOP donors dumping Chris Christie for Jeb Bush

New poll suggests Rick Scott has spent a lot of money for nothing

Not long ago, Crowley Political Report suggested that if Gov. Rick Scott's poll numbers did not improve his campaign could find itself struggling to explain the bad news to supporters and donors.

Well, the Scott campaign got very bad news today. After spending nearly $7 million over the past two months on campaign ads, Quinnipiac released a poll showing Scott trailing former Gov. Charlie Crist by 10 points.

Crist 48 - Scott 38.


And Crist's lead has actually increased since January 30 when that Q-poll showed Crist leading by 8 points, 46-38.

There are other polls that suggest the race is much closer. But Quinnipiac is one of the polls that gets the most attention. It makes for a miserable meeting in the Scott campaign office. And if that spread doesn't keep them up at night, there is this - Florida voters say 53 - 39 percent that Scott does not deserve reelection.

From the poll news release:

Women back Crist 51 - 33 percent and say 49 - 33 percent that he is more compassionate. Men are divided in the matchup with 44 percent for Crist and 43 percent for Scott, but say 50 - 38 percent that Crist is more compassionate.

Independent voters back the Democrat 48 - 34 percent and say 52 - 31 percent he is more compassionate.Crist's political party shift from Republican to independent to Democratic is a positive thing showing he is a pragmatist, 52 percent of voters, including 60 percent of independent voters, say, while 40 percent say it is negative, showing he has no core beliefs.

 "So far, Florida Gov. Rick Scott's television barrage apparently has had no impact on the race. The incumbent has not been able to reduce former Gov. Charlie Crist's lead. In fact, voters see Crist's party switch in a positive light and the incumbent's effort to tie Crist's support for Obamacare has not yet borne fruit," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

Scott can still win. It is likely to be a close race as voters start paying more attention in the Fall. But this and other polls suggest Scott's campaign still has some retooling to do. 

They can't start soon enough.

Complete poll results on the next page.

From Quinnipiac:

Besides compassion, Crist tops Scott on a number of other measures:
  • Voters approve 52 - 38 percent of the way Crist handled his job as governor, while Scott gets a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating;
  • Crist has a 43 - 36 percent favorability, compared to Scott's negative 39 - 46 percent score;
  • Voters are divided 45 - 43 percent on whether Crist is honest and trustworthy, but say 51 - 38 percent that Scott is not honest and trustworthy;
  • Crist has strong leadership qualities, voters say 55 - 37 percent, compared to Scott's 49 - 44 percent leadership grade;
  • Crist cares about their needs and problems, voters say 48 - 42 percent, while Scott does not care, voters say 55 - 38 percent.
"Florida voters think former Gov. Crist is more compassionate, more honest and trustworthy and was a better governor than Gov. Scott. The difference may be simple: voters like Crist, whose strength always has been his ability to connect. Voters sometimes elect candidates they don't like personally, but not that often," Brown said. 

Same-Sex Marriage and In-State Tuition for Immigrants 

Florida voters support 56 - 39 percent allowing same-sex couples to marry, with 57 - 39 percent support among women and 55 - 40 percent backing among men. Support is 65 - 31 percent among Democrats and 64 - 30 percent among independent voters, with Republicans opposed 64 - 32 percent. Every age group supports same-sex marriage except voters over 65 years old, who are divided with 45 percent in favor and 49 percent opposed. 

Voters also say 55 - 41 percent that an illegal immigrant who attends high school in Florida should be eligible for the in-state tuition if the immigrant is accepted at a public college. 

Men, women and all age groups support the idea. Support is 75 - 21 percent among Democrats and 57 - 40 percent among independent voters, with Republicans opposed 66 - 29 percent. 

"A number of states already allow high school graduates in the United States illegally to qualify for the in-state tuition at their public colleges and Floridians seem to think it's a good idea," Brown said. 

From April 23 - 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,413 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.6 percentage points. 

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research. 

For more data or RSS feed- http://www.quinnipiac.edu/polling, call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter. 

2. If the election for Governor were being held today, and the candidates were Charlie Crist the Democrat, and Rick Scott the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Crist                48%    10%    82%    48%    44%    51%    43%    48%    53%    45%
Scott                38     79      9     34     43     33     34     40     32     43
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2      2      -      2      1      2      1      2      4      1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      3      2      2      3      3      3      3      4      4      2
DK/NA                 9      7      6     12      8     10     19      7      8      8
TREND: If the election for Governor were being held today, and the candidates were Charlie Crist the Democrat and Rick Scott the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013
Crist                48      46      47      47      50
Scott                38      38      40      37      34
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       2       2       2       2       1
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      3       3       4       2       3
DK/NA                 9      10       8      12      12
3. If the election for Governor were being held today, and the candidates were Nan Rich the Democrat, and Rick Scott the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Rich                 36%     7%    67%    34%    32%    40%    26%    40%    40%    34%
Scott                42     80     14     38     48     36     44     42     34     47
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       3      1      1      4      3      2      4      2      2      2
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      4      2      4      5      4      5      2      5      6      4
DK/NA                15     10     14     19     13     18     25     10     19     13
TREND: If the election for Governor were being held today, and the candidates were Nan Rich the Democrat and Rick Scott the Republican, for whom would you vote?
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18
                     2014    2014    2013    2013
Rich                 36      37      35      36
Scott                42      41      43      42
SMONE ELSE(VOL)       3       2       3       3
WLDN'T VOTE(VOL)      4       4       5       2
DK/NA                15      15      14      18
4. Is your opinion of Rick Scott favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Favorable            39%    71%    17%    36%    44%    35%    37%    42%    32%    44%
Unfavorable          46     17     68     48     42     49     37     47     53     42
Hvn't hrd enough     12     10     12     13     11     13     24      8     12     10
REFUSED               3      3      3      3      3      3      2      3      3      4
TREND: Is your opinion of Rick Scott favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him? (* Low also 28% Aug 2010)
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20  Jun 18  Feb 02
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2013    2011*
Favorable            39      38      39      40      33      40      28
Unfavorable          46      45      42      42      46      42      24
Hvn't hrd enough     12      14      16      16      18      16      45
REFUSED               3       3       2       3       3       3       3
5. Is your opinion of Charlie Crist favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Favorable            43%    16%    69%    44%    41%    46%    35%    45%    47%    42%
Unfavorable          36     70     10     32     40     32     23     33     39     42
Hvn't hrd enough     18     12     19     19     16     19     39     19     11     14
REFUSED               3      3      2      4      3      3      3      3      3      3
TREND: Is your opinion of Charlie Crist favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about him?
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20  Feb 19  Nov 21
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2009    2013
Favorable            43      44      41      48      49      68      41
Unfavorable          36      35      39      31      30      21      39
Hvn't hrd enough     18      19      18      18      20       9      18
REFUSED               3       3       2       3       2       3       2
6. Is your opinion of Nan Rich favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about her?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Favorable             8%     1%    15%     9%     8%     8%    14%     8%     8%     6%
Unfavorable           5      9      2      5      7      4      7      7      5      3
Hvn't hrd enough     85     90     83     86     84     87     78     84     87     89
REFUSED               1      -      1      1      1      1      1      1      -      1
TREND: Is your opinion of Nan Rich favorable, unfavorable or haven't you heard enough about her?
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Dec 19
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2012
Favorable             8       7       8       7       6
Unfavorable           5       6       5       6       4
Hvn't hrd enough     85      86      86      84      90
REFUSED               1       1       1       2       1
22. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Rick Scott is handling his job as Governor?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Approve              42%    72%    20%    39%    47%    38%    45%    43%    36%    47%
Disapprove           50     20     74     52     48     52     44     52     55     46
DK/NA                 7      7      6      9      5     10     10      5      9      7
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Rick Scott is handling his job as Governor?
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20  Jun 18  May 25
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2013    2011
Approve              42      41      42      43      36      43      29
Disapprove           50      49      47      44      49      44      57
DK/NA                 7      10      12      13      15      13      14
23. Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Approve              31%    51%    19%    28%    35%    27%    41%    32%    26%    30%
Disapprove           53     31     67     56     53     54     48     58     56     49
DK/NA                16     18     14     16     12     19     11     10     19     21
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way the state legislature is handling its job?
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 19  Mar 20  Sep 23  Mar 20
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2004    2013
Approve              31      34      31      32      25      51      25
Disapprove           53      49      51      49      52      34      52
DK/NA                16      17      19      19      23      15      23
27. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charlie Crist handled his job as Governor?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Approve              52%    31%    69%    52%    52%    52%    50%    54%    52%    50%
Disapprove           38     58     22     36     40     37     35     39     39     39
DK/NA                10     11      9     12      9     11     15      8      9     11
TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Charlie Crist handled his job as Governor? (*High approve also 73% Mar 2007, 2010 and earlier "the way Charlie Crist is handling...")
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Aug 19  Jul 30  Jul 19  Apr 15
                     2014    2014    2013    2010    2010    2007*   2010
Approve              52      53      53      56      53      73      49
Disapprove           38      36      36      35      37      11      39
DK/NA                10      11      11      10      10      16      12
28. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in Florida today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Very satisfied        5%    11%     4%     2%     7%     4%     4%     4%     5%     8%
Smwht satisfied      46     58     35     48     51     41     45     50     39     48
Smwht dissatisfied   29     22     31     32     26     31     35     26     33     25
Very dissatisfied    19      8     29     18     16     22     15     20     22     18
DK/NA                 1      -      1      1      -      1      1      -      1      1
TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in Florida today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? (*combined High also 63% Sep 2004)
                                                             High    Low
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20  Feb 24  Sep 22
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2005*   2011
Very satisfied        5       6       5       5       4      15       4
Smwht satisfied      46      48      43      48      46      48      31
Smwht dissatisfied   29      30      29      28      31      22      29
Very dissatisfied    19      16      22      17      16      15      34
DK/NA                 1       1       1       1       2       1       2
29. Do you feel that Rick Scott deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes/Deserves         39%    72%    16%    35%    44%    33%    42%    37%    33%    44%
No/Does not          53     19     78     56     49     56     47     57     58     46
DK/NA                 9      9      6     10      6     11     12      5      9     10
TREND: Do you feel that Rick Scott deserves to be reelected, or do you feel that he does not deserve to be reelected?
                     Apr 30  Jan 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20  Dec 19
                     2014    2014    2013    2013    2013    2012
Yes/Deserves         39      38      37      35      32      30
No/Does not          53      54      53      50      55      52
DK/NA                 9       9      10      15      13      18
30. Would you say that Charlie Crist - is honest and trustworthy or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  45%    23%    67%    43%    40%    49%    41%    42%    47%    47%
No                   43     64     20     45     49     36     42     47     41     40
DK/NA                13     13     13     12     10     15     17     11     12     13
TREND: Would you say that Charlie Crist is honest and trustworthy or not?
                     Apr 30  Nov 21
                     2014    2013
Yes                  45      40
No                   43      42
DK/NA                13      18
31. Would you say that Charlie Crist - cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  48%    24%    70%    49%    45%    50%    46%    52%    48%    45%
No                   42     65     20     42     47     38     39     41     42     44
DK/NA                10     11     10      9      8     12     15      7     10     11
32. Would you say that Charlie Crist - has strong leadership qualities or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  55%    29%    75%    57%    51%    58%    65%    60%    52%    48%
No                   37     61     18     34     40     33     18     36     40     42
DK/NA                 9     10      8      9      8      9     17      4      8     10
33. Would you say that Rick Scott - is honest and trustworthy or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  38%    68%    20%    35%    43%    35%    33%    35%    36%    46%
No                   51     21     70     54     49     52     51     57     55     41
DK/NA                11     11     10     11      8     13     16      8      9     13
TREND: Would you say that Rick Scott is honest and trustworthy or not?
                     Apr 30  Nov 21
                     2014    2013
Yes                  38      38
No                   51      49
DK/NA                11      13
34. Would you say that Rick Scott - cares about the needs and problems of people like you or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  38%    69%    19%    32%    41%    35%    37%    37%    33%    44%
No                   55     25     74     57     53     56     49     58     60     48
DK/NA                 8      6      7     10      6      9     14      5      7      8
35. Would you say that Rick Scott - has strong leadership qualities or not?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes                  49%    76%    28%    48%    53%    45%    57%    46%    46%    51%
No                   44     18     64     43     42     45     34     48     47     41
DK/NA                 8      6      7      9      5      9      9      6      7      9
36. Regardless of who you may support, who do you think is more compassionate, Crist or Scott?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Crist                50%    18%    74%    52%    50%    49%    47%    55%    50%    46%
Scott                35     70     13     31     38     33     40     34     33     37
DK/NA                15     12     13     17     12     18     13     12     17     17
37. In recent years, Charlie Crist has changed his party affiliation from Republican to Independent to Democrat. Some people say this is a positive thing because it shows he is a pragmatist who can change with the times and issues. Other people say it is a negative thing because it shows he has no core beliefs. Which comes closest to your view of Charlie Crist?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Positive thing       52%    13%    77%    60%    50%    54%    64%    55%    52%    45%
Negative thing       40     80     16     33     45     36     23     38     41     48
DK/NA                 7      6      8      7      5      9     13      6      7      6
TREND: In recent years, Charlie Crist has changed his party affiliation from Republican to Independent to Democrat. Some people say this is a positive thing because it shows he is a pragmatist who can change with the times and issues. Other people say it is a negative thing because it shows he has no core beliefs. Which comes closest to your view of Charlie Crist? (* In the last three years)
                     Apr 30  Nov 21  Jun 18  Mar 20
                     2014    2013*   2013*   2013*
Positive thing       52      46      47      50
Negative thing       40      46      44      40
DK/NA                 7       8       9      10
48. Do you think an illegal immigrant who went to high school in Florida and is accepted to a Florida public college should be eligible for the in-state tuition rate, or shouldn't they?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Yes/Should           55%    29%    75%    57%    53%    56%    65%    56%    52%    52%
No/Should not        41     66     21     40     43     38     28     41     44     42
DK/NA                 5      5      4      3      4      5      6      3      5      6
49. Do you support or oppose allowing same-sex couples to get married in Florida?
                                                               AGE IN YRS..............
                     Tot    Rep    Dem    Ind    Men    Wom    18-29  30-49  50-64  65+
Support              56%    32%    65%    64%    55%    57%    71%    61%    55%    45%
Oppose               39     64     31     30     40     39     27     36     39     49
DK/NA                 5      4      3      6      6      4      2      4      5      7


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