Florida Republicans plan protests at Charlie Crist book signings
Don't tell anyone. This is supposed to be a secret. Of course sending an email is an odd way to keep a secret.
South Florida Republicans are being urged to protest at former Gov. Charlie Crist's book signings this week in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. The email includes this note: please be careful who you forward to.
More from the email that went to Palm Beach and Broward Republicans: (this is the PB version with "sign waivers").
Charlie Crist is going to be doing a book signing and we need sign waivers to come out and rally against him. I know I don't need to tell you what a horrible Governor Charlie was and the fact that he is an opportunist. We need to show him that no matter how blue Palm Beach may seem, he will encounter resistance. We want to reelect our Governor and not elect and opportunist.
Leaving nothing to chance there are even suggested sign slogans:
Charlie Crist: Obamacare’s Biggest Fan
Charlie = Opportunist
You Can’t Trust Charlie
Failed Governor
3 Parties, 3 Years, Lousy Governor
Charlie 2010 or Charlie 2014, Which One Do You Believe?
These ideas courtesy of Diana Ramos, Florida Republican Party Southeast Regional Director.
Whether you want to wave signs or show up supporting Crist, his schedule of appearances this week include:
•Tuesday 7 p.m., Books and Books, 927 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach.
•Wednesday 2 p.m., Classic Bookshop, 310 S. County Road, Palm Beach.
•Thursday 7 p.m., Barnes and Noble, 2051 N. Federal Highway, Fort Lauderdale.