New Quinnipiac Poll offers grim news for Rick Scott: Crist leads 46-38
Despite countless appearances claiming credit for Florida's growing economy, and a steady barrage of anti-Crist efforts by his campaign and the Florida Republican Party, Gov. Rick Scott remains in a deep hole behind former Gov. Charlie Crist.
Quinnipiac Univerisity released its new poll this morning showing Crist leading Scott 46-38. While Scott has somewhat chipped away at .Crist's lead, Republicans must be worried.
Perhaps the worst news is this: Only 41 percent of those surveyed believe Scott is doing a good job while 49 percent believe is not doing a good job as governor.
And this is an important note: 53 percent think Crist did a good job as governor while only 36 percent should not.
Finally, the poll found that 54 percent of those surveyed believe Rick Scott should not get a second term as governor.
Democrats will feel very happy this morning.
See more poll results below:
Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, now running as a Democrat, leads Republican Gov. Rick Scott 46 - 38 percent in this year's governor's race and tops the incumbent on almost every measure, including handling the economy and jobs, listed by voters as the most important issues in the race, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. |
Scott started behind Crist 50 - 34 percent in a March 20 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University and narrowed the gap to 47 - 40 percent in a November 21 survey. |
Independent voters back Crist 48 - 32 percent. There is a small gender gap as women go Democratic 50 - 34 percent while men are divided with 43 percent for Crist and 42 percent for Scott. Republicans go 79 - 12 percent for Scott, while Democrats back Crist 81 - 6 percent. |
Scott leads 46 - 39 percent among white voters, while Crist leads 76 - 10 percent among black voters and 52 - 26 percent among Hispanic voters. |
Scott tops Nan Rich 41 - 37 percent. |
The incumbent gets a negative 41 - 49 percent job approval rating, his lowest score in almost a year, and voters say 54 - 38 percent he does not deserve to be reelected. |
Florida voters approve 53 - 36 percent of the job Crist did as governor. |
"At least for now, Florida Gov. Rick Scott's comeback against his major Democratic challenger, former Gov. Charlie Crist, has stalled after considerably narrowing the Crist lead in 2013. And on several other measurements, Crist gets higher grades from the Florida electorate" said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. |
"The best number in this poll for Crist - and the biggest problem for Scott - is that a majority of Florida voters say the current governor does not deserve a second term in Tallahassee. Voters also give Crist a higher job approval for when he ran the state than any approval rating Scott has received in his three years on the job," Brown added. |
"Almost a third of voters say the economy/jobs is the most important issue in the governor's race. Most voters are satisfied with the way things are going in the state and more are optimistic than pessimistic about the future, but at this point Gov. Scott isn't getting any credit for that good feeling." |
For 29 percent of Florida voters, the economy/jobs is the most important issue in this year's governor's race, with 9 percent listing education, 8 percent listing health care and 3 percent listing taxes. |
By a narrow 47 - 42 percent, voters say Crist would do a better job on the economy/jobs. The Democrat leads on other measures, including: | |
Asked who is a strong leader, voters are split 43 - 43 percent. The Republican gets a negative 38 - 45 percent favorability rating, compared to Crist's positive 44 - 35 percent score. For Rich, 86 percent don't know enough to form an opinion. |
Minimum Wage |
By a 73 - 24 percent margin, including 53 - 44 percent among Republicans, Florida voters support raising the state's $7.93 minimum wage. Support is 79 - 18 percent among women and 66 - 31 percent among men, 74 - 22 percent among independent voters and 93 - 6 percent among Democrats, 68 - 29 percent among white voters, 91 - 9 percent among black voters and 81 - 15 percent among Hispanic voters. Raising the minimum wage will not lead businesses to cut jobs, voters say 51 - 43 percent. |
From January 22 - 27, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,565 registered voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points. |
The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Iowa, Colorado and the nation as a public service and for research. |