Charlie Crist makes it official
Florida Democrats are desperate for a winner

GOP attacks while Crist says he hopes there is a brighter future tomorrow

Gov. Rick Scott's campaign committee did not waste any time going on the attack. Scott's political committee - Let's Get to Work - is going on the air Monday at the same time Charlie Crist is announcing the start of his 2014 campaign to take the keys to the governor's mansion away from Scott.

Predictably, the ad is using quotes from Democrats who opposed Crist while he was a Republican. After decades of running as a Republican for state Senate, U.S. Senate, Attorney General, Governor, and then as an independent for U.S. Senate, there is no shortage of Democrats questioning Crist's qualifications and stands on the issues.

Today, those same Democrats are in the odd position of viewing Crist as their champion. Tampa Bay Times political writer Adam Smith posted the GOP ad here.

Here is a transcript:

Democrat Alex Sink says: "He failed to layout a business plan to get Florida out of its worst recession."

Democratic chair Karen Thurman said:  "He has done nothing to create jobs, his only core belief is personal ambition."

"He's an opportunist," says Tampa's Mayor Buckhorn.

Congressman Kendrick Meek said: "He can't be trusted."

Al Gore said: "It's a little unusual to have someone flip-flop and then flop-flip."

Who are they all talking about?  This man, Charlie Crist.

Al Gore? Really? Why Gore? 

Anyway, when Crowley Political Report spoke to Crist he seemed nonplused by all this. But his best  omment may be what he said to the Associated Press.

"I'm looking forward to Monday and making it official in every way," Crist told the Associated Press Tallahassee Correspondent Brendan Farrington today.  "I just hope that the message that we deliver will lift Florida's spirits and let her know that there's a brighter future tomorrow. And it's coming."

Bright or thing is certain - the next 12 months are going to be hell on the campaign trail. This is gonna be ugly.


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