Florida GOP responds to Charlie Crist
GOP attacks while Crist says he hopes there is a brighter future tomorrow

Charlie Crist makes it official

Crist cartoon head
Charlie Crist makes it official that he is a Democratic candidate for Florida governor. Crist filed candidate papers with the state Division of Elections today. 

Hat tip to AP's Gary Fineout who first tweeted about Crist filing for election. 

Crist, the former Republican governor of Florida, will annouce his candidacy in St. Petersburg at 10 a.m. Monday. Crist who lost a bid for the U.S. Senate as an independent is making an historic effort to run statewide for the third time 2006 - going from Republican, to independent and now Democrat.

Crist sounded enthusiatic during a phone call Thursday night about the coming campaign. Crist faces a potentional primary challenge from Nan Rich, but so far the former state senator has gained little traction. 

Crist is likely to win the Democratic nomination. Republican Gov. Rick Scott's team certainly seems to think so. The incumbent has waged a steady campaign attacking Crist and Scott's campaign committee is talking about launching a wave of anti-Crist ads beginning Monday - right after Crist announces.

Here's a look at Crist's election file:

Candidate Tracking System

2014 General Election 

Charlie Crist 
1 Beach Drive 
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 

Phone: (727)804-8035
  Campaign Treasurer 
Sanford B. Horwitz 
2121 Ponce De Leon Boulevard 
11th Floor 
Coral Gables, FL 33134
  Status: Active  
  Date Filed: 11/01/2013  
  Date Qualified:    




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