Hank Aaron bats for Lois Frankel
Hank Aaron, who was known to hit the occasional homerun (755), is now doing some pitching for Florida Democratic congressional candidate Lois Frankel.
Here's the pitch:
As a member of the Baseball Hall of Fame, I understand the importance of teamwork. I’m writing to you today to ask you to join Lois Frankel’s team.
Right now, Washington is broken. We need somebody in Congress whose focus will be on getting things done, not scoring ideological points.
Can you donate to my friend Lois and help her protect the programs most important to us?
Lois has a shining public record of protecting women and seniors as well as creating jobs and a bustling economy. We need her passion and expertise in Congress now more than ever.
By midnight on June 30th, Lois needs to raise $10,000 more to meet her second quarter fundraising goal. She needs your help now to make it. We are so close – your contribution could help put us over the top.
Can you make a generous contribution right now to make sure we get a real fighter in Congress?
We need someone with Lois’s vision and leadership in Washington.
Thank you,
Hank Aaron