A love affair with Marco Rubio
U.S. Chamber begins ads opposing Nelson, Frankel and Grayson.

New LeMieux video asks where Connie Mack really lives

Questions about Republican U.S. Rep. Connie Mack's place of residence have become a staple of his opponents. His second wife, U.S. Rep. Mary Bono, lives in California. He lives in Florida. They both spend considerable time in Washington.

Mack insists he spends most of his spare time in Florida. In fact, Mack told BizPacReview.com that he was in California last year "maybe 11 days."

His rival for the GOP senate nomination, George LeMieux, has a new video that suggests that Mack is lying. LeMieux, who is in a fierce struggle to win the nomination, has so far been largely ignored by Mack.

Will Mack respond to this video? Not likely. But the issue is certain not to go away.



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