Romney PAC spends $3.4 million in Florida for GOP primary
BREAKING NEWS - Nora McAlvanah, WPTV NewsChannel 5 online political editor, is reporting that Super PAC Restore Our Future has spent $3.4 million on televsion in Florida slated to begin today and run until the Sunshine State's GOP primary.
That is very big number in a state where a heavy week of television commercials usually costs a bit north of $1.5 million.
Restore Our Future is the Super PAC that supports Mitt Romney. A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision unchained these PACs and they can raise and spend unlimited cash.
When the noise is done in the Please-Pay-Attention-To-Us state (New Hampshire), attention will focus on South Carolina.
But the real action will be Florida which has the best chance of actually deciding who will be the Republican presidential nominee.
Restore Our Future's gauntlet tossing media buy is letting the other candidates know that if they want to try and stay in the race, the better be prepared to find someone willing to spend a small fortune to help them compete.
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