Florida voters trust Obama and Romney
A new Quinnipiac Unviersity poll released today suggests that Florida voters are evenly divided between Republican Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama. While these results have little meaning at this point in the 2012 election, there are some interesting tidbits in the poll.
First, the most worrisome number for Obama is 83 percent.
That is the percentage of Florida voters who said they are either "very dissatisfied" (52 percent), or "somewhat dissatisfied" (23 percent), when asked what they think about "the way things are going in the nation today."
The poll fails to explore that question further, so we don't know whether these voters are dissatisfied with Obama, Congress, Wall Street, or all of the above.
Still, no sitting president wants to enter an election year with those kinds of numbers. Dissatisfied voters also are persuadeable voters and that's a good sign for Republicans.
The number one issue for Florida voters remains the economy (55 percent), followed by the federal deficit (13 percent), and health care (11 percent). All other issues were in signal digits.
With few signs of a significantly improving economy between now and November 2012, the dissatisfaction numbers and top issues concerns are not likely to change. This should worry the White House which needs Florida's 29 electoral votes to win a second term.
Good news for Obama - Florida voters believe he is "honest and trustworthy" (52 percent). But Mitt Romney did as well as Obama with 51 percent. Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich hover between 37 percent and 40 percent.
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