Florida Republican says lets have firing squads - or toss them off a bridge
Allen West spends a lot, Patrick Murphy and Lois Frankel spend less

Florida official says journalists are lobbyists

Crowley Political Report continues to be baffled by what some elected officials are dreaming up these days. While this is not as bad as firing squads or tossing inmates off bridges, we now have a Broward County mayor who thinks reporters are lobbyists.

No, really.

Lauderhill Mayor Richard Kaplan has informed the Sun Sentinel that Broward's new Code of Ethics means that reporters are lobbyists because their newspaper editorial boards try to influence public opinion.

There is an interesting exchange of emails between Kaplan and Sun Sentinel reporter Brittany Wallman that you should read.

Let's hope Kaplan's silliness doesn't spread.

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It is not as silly as you think. What the Mayor found was that the law was so badly worded that the law may require it. The county wrote the law, not the city mayor.

Now the lawyers are reviewing it, and they seem to be a bit concerned that it could be true in some situations.


What's the silly part?

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