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American Crossroads ad greets Obama in Orlando

President Obama comes to Orlando and Lake Mary today to raise a few bucks for his reelection campaign. Florida polls suggest he's going to need the money.

Bad news for Orlando - Air Force One is expected to land around 4:40 p.m. with the presidential motorcade leaving shortly after that for the downtown Sheraton.

Start honking your horns now or ask the boss if you can go home early.

After that event, Obama travels to Lake Mary for a fundraiser at the home of attorney John Morgan - you know Morgan and Morgan, the Charlie Crist firm.

There also is talk that Obama will meet with Orlando workers so he can tout his American Jobs Act which appears to be going nowhere fast.

The Karl Rove group, American Crossroads, is offering Obama an Orlando greeting which is running during his visit to the area.

Here's the ad:


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