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Allen West piles up the cash, should Democrats just surrender now?

AllenWestGood lord? Really? Crowley Political Report does not shock easily but Florida Republican Congressman Allen West raised a stunning amount of campaign cash during the three months ending Sept. 30.

$1.9 million.  Yup. $1.9 million.

Consider this - Democratic U.S.  Sen. Bill Nelson raised nearly $2 million. Let's call it a tie.

There are two Democrats hoping to win West's District 22 seat - former West Palm Beach Mayor Lois Frankel and Broward County businessman Patrick Murphy.

Frankel says she raised $415,000. Murphy raised $313,000. That would be a combined $728,000 for the two Democrats compared to West's $1.9 million.

Should Frankel and Murphy just go home?

Frankel has raised a total of $1.1 million since starting her campaign. Murphy has raised $1.2 million.

West has raised  $3.9 million.

Fun with math - Two Democrats total - $2.3 million. West - $3.9 million.

Fun fact - Much of the money Frankel and Murphy raised will have to be spent in the Democratic primary. West does not have, and is not like to have, a serious primary opponent.

Nope, West is just going to keep raking in the dough. A few more million for West and the DCCC may take West off their target list.

No matter how much Democrats would like to get that seat back, Frankel and Murphy are going to need a whole lot more cash to pull it off.

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Art by Chicago artist and graphic designer Brian J. Crowley


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Bob, no one is anksig Crowley to "be an expert in constitutional law." It doesn't take a lawyer to know all he had to do was walk away. Perhaps his police training leaves something to be desired.

jj cambell

West speaks for the Majority of Floridians who are sick of having a minority of radical Liberals setting agendas for them.
Now we just need to get rid of Senator Nelson and Wasserman and Florida will flourish.

Brian E. Crowley

John...thank you. Usually the comments only come when I write something critical of West...Brian

Brian E. Crowley

Luv....thank you for your comment about the artwork...I will pass it on to the artist....Brian


Great article & thx Brian!! ALLEN WEST REPUBLIC supports Congressman West in his reelection for the CD-22 seat. CD-22 should be proud to have Allen West as their Statesman in DC.


This is one of my favorite photos done of West. I also like this article. Thanks Brian, well said and done!

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