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Should Charlie Crist endorse George LeMieux or Adam Hasner?

Crist cartoon Consider the possibilities of Charlie Crist endorsement in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

Sure, you could argue that an endorsement from the former Florida governor would be worthless. And there is little doubt that most Republicans want little to do with Crist - especially the Tea Party faction.

On the other hand, a Crist endorsement would be an interesting political ploy.

Imagine if Crist endorsed Adam Hasner. That would be a wonderful thing for George LeMieux who is being portrayed by Hasner as Crist's twin brother.

LeMieux, who was appointed to the U.S. Senate by Crist, has been doing all he can to distance himself from Crist.

It has not been easy. Hasner makes a point of reminding folks that Crist and LeMieux were joined at the hip until Crist dropped out the Republican Party in a desperate effort to keep his 2010 bid for the U.S. Senate alive.

LeMieux famously dumped his old friend and endorsed Marco Rubio who not only won but quickly moved to the short list of potential GOP vice-presidential candidates in 2012.

Everywhere LeMieux goes he is asked about Crist. He patiently tells interviewers that Crist is a friend but their friendship is strained. LeMieux says after he quit as Crist's chief-of-staff, Crist began drifting away from conservative principles.

The last straw, according to LeMieux, was Crist's decision to leave the GOP.

Hasner is not buying it. Today he came out with another video aimed at showing just how close Crist and LeMieux had been.  Hasner loves to remind people that LeMieux once described himself as a "Charlie Crist Republican."  (See the new video on the next page).

So let's pretend Crist is thinking about endorsing one of them.

If Crist wanted to permanently end his relationship with LeMieux, Crist would endorse him. Is Crist petty enough to do that just to exact a bit of revenge on someone he believe betrayed him last year?

And what would be the effect if Crist endorsed Hasner? Many Republicans would scoff at the endorsement but Hasner would still have to reject it - which he would eagerly do.

Would LeMieux begin airing 30 second ads showing Hasner being endorsed by Crist?

All interesting to contemplate.


 Art by West Palm Beach artist Patrick Crowley

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