Marco Rubio cannot lose in 2012
Crowley Political Report was asked to ponder the fate of Marco Rubio by a Time magazine reporter a few hours before Rubio gave a speech Tuesday night at the Reagan Library in California.
Lots of folks are pondering the future of Florida's hot new U.S. Senator. And there are no shortage of Republicans who think Rubio should be running for president or, at the very least, that he should get the number-two slot on the national ticket.
2012 is going to be a very good year for Rubio and he doesn't have to do a thing.
The rollout of Rubio has been nothing short of brilliant. His first few months in the senate he said very little, apparently content to find his way around Washington and get a feel for how the senate operates.
Interestingly, the less Rubio said, the more others said for him. Rush Limbaugh gushed on air that Rubio should get in the presidential race.
By early summer, Rubio started making more appearances on national television, gave his first speech on the senate floor and repeatedly, but firmly, denied any interest in running for president or vice president.
Folks seem to be willing to take him at his word that he is not interested in being at the top of the 2012 ticket, but many Republicans still swoon at the idea of Rubio getting the number two slot.
Again, Rubio politely but firmly says he is not interested in vice president.
The fact is that the 40-year old Floridian will be one of top finalists for GOP nominee whomever he or she might be.
Rubio is charismatic, articulate, Hispanic, conservative, a Tea Party hero, and he represents a state with 29 electoral votes.
Yes, he will be a finalist. And if Rubio gets the call from the nominee he is going to be hard-pressed to turn down a shot at being the first Hispanic vice president.
Rubio would have nothing to lose. Assuming he made no major gaffes, even if the ticket lost, Rubio would not be blamed. He could simply return to his senate seat and perhaps emerge as a national GOP leader - not a bad place to be in 2016.
And if he is not chosen for the ticket - Rubio will still play an important role in the party's effort to close the gap with Hispanic voters.
Amazing considering that just 20 months ago, Rubio was considered a long shot to defeat former Gov. Charlie Crist.
Now, he could become one of the most influential voices in the 2012 presidential election.
Read the Time magazine story here.
Here is a video of Rubio's appearance in California:
Art by West Palm Beach artist Patrick Crowley.
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