Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee play Republicans for fools
Many years ago there was a small traveling circus know as the Ring Brothers - not to be confused with Ringling. Maybe the Ring Brothers would still be around today if they had clowns of the caliber of Donald Trump and Mike Huckabee.
Give them credit - they did a brilliant job of playing Republicans and the media for fools.
Does anyone deep in their souls believe that Trump and Huckabee were going to run? And does anybody believe the nonsense they spewed as they bailed out.
Of course both Huckabee and Trump tells us that they would have won the Republican nomination. And both believe they could have defeated President Obama.
But despite what they claim to be a strong chance of winning the White House, they would rather be television personalities.
Bob Barker must be proud.
The fact is that these two make-believe candidates abused the Republican Party and political activists for their own personal gains.
If we believe Pastor Huckabee, building a multi-million dollar home in Florida is his spiritual calling. If we believe Trump, deciding whether to fire Gary Busey on Celebrity Apprentice is more important than becoming president and creating jobs.
Maybe they should get together and take their circus on the road.
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Mike, I might agree that Huckabee was seriously thinking about running last year but since January he has done nothing. Ultimately I think he knew he couldn't win the nomination. So he spent most of this year building his brand and misleading people.
Trump proved his is a moron.
Posted by: Brian E. Crowley | 05/16/2011 at 11:11 PM
Brian, I really do believe Mike Huckabee considered a serious run, and I really do believe he had a shot at the nomination. After that he propbably looked at his chances of winning the Presidency, then his current bank account and decided against it.
Trump is just a user and a businessman
Posted by: Mike Synan | 05/16/2011 at 07:30 PM