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Priebus says negotiations with Florida are delicate

John Distaso writes for the Manchester, New Hampshire Union Leader that RNC chairman Reince Priebus remains determined to stop Florida from having a presidential before March 2012.

Crowley Political Report explained at some length in this story the desperation of Granite Staters. Simply put - they are clinging to their 15 minutes of fame like a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice.

So understand, if you are the RNC chairman giving a speech in New Hampshire it would be less painful to pluck your eyes out with a fork than to tell New Hampshirites you are willing to let Florida have a primary in January.

Distaso writes - Florida currently intends to break the RNC rule and hold its primary in late January 2012, but Priebus has taken a tough stance in defense of the rule, a popular among Granite State Republicans.

"We have rules to follow and we plan on enforcing the rules," Priebus told the New Hampshire Union Leader.

With Florida being not only a key swing state in a general election but also the host of the 2012 Republican National Convention, Priebus acknowledge the negotiations are "delicate."

He said, "It's always delicate but the full RNC adopted the rule," including its Florida representatives, "and I believe in the end, the rule will be followed."

Place your bets - who wins, Florida or New Hampshire?


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