Haley Barbour gets some Big Love
So the awful series finale of HBO's Big Love was on Sunday night when the Twitter world went into twitterquake over the fact that Florida Republican political operative Sally Bradshaw is going to work for Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour.
Bradshaw made her mark managing Jeb Bush's campaigns for governor with two wins and one loss - yes fans Jeb Bush actually lost the 1994 campaign albeit barely.
In 2008, the Tallahassee-based Bradshaw was helping the presidential campaign of Mitt Romney in the Sunshine State. There have been high expectations that Bradshaw would be helping the former Massachusetts governor this time as well.
Instead, Bradshaw, 45, decided to help another M-state candidate. Bradshaw is a Mississippi native so maybe she is just feeling some love for the milk state.
Milk? You ask.
In 1984, milk was declared the state beverage.
Back to Bradshaw. Just last week, she had some very nice things to say about Romney on Capital Dateline (video below).
"Mitt Romney right now is the odds on favorite," Bradshaw said. "I mean he ran before. Republicans typically do not nominate someone who has never run for president before."
"We have a tendency to go back and get the guy who ran last time unsuccessfully and Romney has built up, in Florida in particular, a very strong base of fundraisers.
"He has a following here because of his work here the last time. The interesting thing about the primary is - who is going to be the person who goes up against Romney?
"Someone will emerge as the choice other than Romney and that will be the interesting race to watch."
Was Bradshaw signaling her future? Was she setting up Barbour as an underdog in Florida? Watch the video and you decide.
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