Donald Trump Palm Beach's court jester
Crowley Political Report apologizes to the court jesters of the world - perhaps it is unfair to them to include Donald Trump.
That's better. Trump is one of those self-absorbed, loud mouths who lives to see his name in the news. He loves to tell folks he's a really smart guy but in fact he is not.
Yes, he knows real estate. And yes, he has made a fortune in real estate. But in the great scheme of human endeavors - so what?
Oh that's right, he's the star of Celebrity Apprentice - a show where he surrounds himself with folks whose stars stopped shining long ago.
In June, Trump will reach his full Social Security age of 65. Maybe that explains why he is pretending to run for president of the United States. Perhaps even he realizes that his life's legacy is just another tall building and a goofy TV show.
No one takes Trump seriously as a potential presidential candidate even when he brags that he could spend his own cash to win (we doubt it).
When he appeared before CPAC last month, Trump warned the audience about the threat from China because of their growing economic power and control of a huge chunk of our nation's debt.
Trump said these things as if he were the first to figure it out. Not hardly.
Now, he is ranting about President Obama's birth certificate. Trump would like to see it.
Does he really care about Obama's birth certificate? No.
It just another Trump stunt.
Sort of like the time he got tons of publicity by telling the staid folks of Palm Beach that he was going to fly a giant American flag in front of his private club, Mar-a-Lago.
His flag had nothing to do with patriotism - it was about headlines.
It is kind of sad to watch as Trump desperately clings to the stage just like the the folks who surround him on Celebrity Apprentice.
Trump's biggest fear is clearly his own irrelevance.
More like: Rodeo Clown.
Trump is jumping in the barrel to distract the birther bull.
Posted by: Chilidgo | 03/24/2011 at 09:57 AM