RNC Chair: Florida should not have early primary
Once again, Florida is being asked not to crowd Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada by having an early 2012 presidential primary.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told the St. Petersburg Times that he is urging the Florida Legislature and Gov. Rick Scott to move the state's primary to after March 1, 2012.
In 2008, Florida defied the RNC and held its primary on Jan. 29 - a violent affront to the four favored states who countered by moving their election events to earlier in the month.
The RNC threatened to not seat Florida's delegates. It was equally unpleasant on the Democratic side with New Hampshire and Iowa all but threatening to do bodily hard to any presidentail candidate who dared to set foot in the Sunshine State.
After reporting on presidential primaries and caucuses in New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina since 1980, you can be assured that no candidate can take those threats lightly. It gets downright hostile in those states when anyone dares tread on what has become a presidential campaign economic boom.
Read more of what Priebus had to say here.