Rick Scott derails high speed train, tells Obama keep the money
Rick Scott snubs Florida legislature

Rick Scott is the third GOP governor to reject high speed rail money

Florida joined Ohio and Wisconsin in rejecting the Obama administrations six-year plan to build a national high speed rail system.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott made his announcement this morning. He is third new Republican governor to reject the cash.  Gov. John Kasich of Ohio and Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin had previously said "no thanks."

Not everyone in Florida is happy with Scott's descision to turn down more than $2 billion in federal dollars.

According the the Orlando Sentinel, Florda Senate budget chairman J.D. Alexander learned about the move from a text message. Not the best way to treat a top a lawmaker.

Scott can expect a lot of heat from House and Senate members whose districts would have benefited from the Tampa to Orlando train.

This could get ugly.

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