Rick Scott snubs Florida legislature
Rick Scott derails a woman's dream.

Even Jeb Bush wonders what Rick Scott is doing

Demgoplo096 Well that didn't take long.

One day after tossing out plans for a Tampa-to-Orlando high speed rail train, a veto-proof majority of Florida senators - Democrats and Republicans - sent Scott a message that basically asked - "are you nuts?"

At the same time, according to PolitiJax, former Gov. Jeb Bush was left scratching his head about Scott's decision.

"I'm surprised he didn't let the process go to a conclusion...before pulling the plug," Bush said, saying he was somewhat taken aback by Scott's timing.

This morning, Crowley Political Report warned that Gov. Rick Scott that he would do serious damage to his relationship with the Florida Legislature - not just because of his decision about the train but because he didn't bother to tell legislative leaders about his decision.

Keep in mind - we're talking about a House and Senate controlled by his own party. And with the GOP holding veto-proof majorities in both chambers it appeared that Democrats would attend the legislative session as mere spectators.

Now, Scott has succeeded in building a veto-proof coalition of Republican and Democratic senators.

Fifteen Republican and 11 Democratic state senators have signed a letter to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood asking him to ignore Scott and give them time to put together their own plan for the $2.4 billion the Obama administration is offering.

Here is what they wrote:

In December of 2009, members of the Florida Legislature voted to create the Florida Rail Enterprise and the Florida Statewide Passenger Rail Commission. The enterprise could have the ability (pusuant to s. 341.822, Florida Statutes) to independently move forward with Florida's plans for high speed rail. Please give us the time necessary to work with the enterprise prior to re-allocating Florida's funds to another state.

This project would create real jobs, cleaner and smarter transportation, and true economic development for Floridians. The international consortiums who have been investing time and money while waiting for the chance to respond to a request for a proposal deserve that opportunity. Politics should have no place in the future of Florida's transportation, as evidenced by this letter of bipartisan support.

The Obama administration is giving Florida one more week to figure out what to do.

Meanwhile, California, New York, and Washington state are asking for Florida's cash.

Again, regardless of whether Scott's decision is right or wrong, if you have created a coalition of Republicans and Democrats opposing you - you haven't handled your decision well.

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Art by Patrick Crowley


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Poor Mr. Scott & Mr. Bush. It is clear that we cannot understand two super clever minds like them. Scott is the genius of transportation and state economy, and J. Bush is the genius of education. It seems that this last, is ready to open advanced calculus courses for PRE-K students allover U.S.
GOD BLESS AMERICA (we need it!)


Yes, since Scott mysteriously got himself elected as gov (nobody is admitting having voted for him?) maybe with a little help from the FL Secy. of State, Florida is radioactive in regard to attracting newcomers. Trust me, your vote will not count as the national GOP machine swoops down in election season and does their election fraud! Many of us are waiting our chance to blow this gig. And you will find the most ignorant in FL's panhandle, be warned!


Are you kidding me? What a BOZO ! I knew Florida had a reputation for crooked elections, but this is pure STUPIDITY. How did this guy get elected? I was looking at buying a retirement home in the Florida Panhandle, but this really makes me wonder if I would really want to live in Florida. I thought that my current state was backward, but I don't think our governor is THAT STUPID.

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