Sarah Palin to mingle with the folks in Palm Beach
In a Crowley Political Report exclusive, we've learned that former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will attend a dinner at The Breakers in Palm Beach next month.
We're still looking for specific info about the Palm Beach event. Will Palin drop by Rush Limbaugh's oceanfront mansion which is up the road from the Breakers?
Or will Limbaugh attend the event? It's bound to be a hot and very exclusive ticket.
Palin is timing the visit around a trip to Miami Oct. 6, sponsored by The Liberty and Freedom Foundation.
Here's the LFF announcement about the Miami event:
The Liberty & Freedom Foundation is proud to announce that it will be bringing former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to Miami on Wednesday October 6th, 2010. The lunchtime event will kick off with a Forum at the Waterfront Theater located in the American Airlines Arena at 10:30 am. The 2008 GOP Vice Presidential Candidate will discuss a variety of issues that are important to, and currently affecting, the people of South Florida, followed by a moderated Question & Answer session.
Following the Forum there will be a reception from 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm featuring a special photo opportunity with Sarah Palin. A special luncheon will take place from 1pm -2:15 pm highlighted by remarks from Gov. Palin. Tickets for the Forum are available through Ticketmaster, the American Airlines Arena website, and The American Airlines Arena box office.
Those interested in either the Luncheon or Private Reception with Gov. Palin can contact the Foundation either on its website,, via email at [email protected], or they may call 305 781-1274.
Exactly who is the "Liberty & Freedom Foundation" anyway? A visit to their website shows most of their pages have "coming soon" on them, with no past events except another Palin speech sponsorship. I would bet money that this is a scam non-profit created solely for the purpose of raising money to pay for Palin's $100K speeches. You have to admire Palin for pulling off such a blatant con, I just wonder if the IRS is keeping tabs.
Posted by: Amber Waves | 09/29/2010 at 10:51 AM
I am a Republican and I live in Palm Beach. Other members of my family that live in Palm Beach are also Republicans. BTW, I am also hispanic. Just goes to show.
Posted by: JJ | 09/24/2010 at 07:47 PM
There are tons of Republicans left in Palm Beach!
I will be interested to know who is organizing a gathering with Palin as it has obviously been kept very quiet.
Posted by: Ben Starling | 09/24/2010 at 12:35 PM
Other than Limbaugh and Coulter I didn't realize that there were any Republicans left in Palm Beach.
Posted by: Republicans ? | 09/24/2010 at 12:28 PM