Charlie Crist the great unifier
Charlie Crist shrugs and leaves a mess

Crist proposes broad support for gay rights

No-Party Gov. Charlie Crist is taking on gay rights as a key issue in his bid to win Florida's junior U.S. Senate seat.

Crist has a new nine-point position paper on gay rights that advocates giving same-sex couples the same legal rights as hetrosexual couples. Crist stops short of endorsing gay-marriage.

"I believe civil unions that provide the full range of legal protections should be available to gay couples. That includes access to a loved one in the hospital, inheritance rights, the fundamental things people need to take care of their families." 

Crist also said same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children. "There is only one question that matters. What is in the best interest of that child?" he said.

Crist calls for allowing gays to serve openly in the military by repealing the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. "Those willing to risk their lives to defend our country should not be compelled to lie to do so," writes Crist.

U.S. Rep. Kendrick Meek, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, suggests that Crist is late convert to the gay-rights agenda. He believes that Crist is grabbing the issue in a cynical effort to win votes in the gay community.


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