Alex Sinks tosses newspapers at Rick Scott
Is Alex Sink trying to tax your donuts?

Charlie Crist says Carole is still a Republican

During a meeting with the Orlando Sentinel editorial board, newly minted No-Party Gov. Charlie Crist revealed that his wife, Carole Rome is still a Republican - and that's not all.

"My mom and dad are still Republicans," said Crist.

After giving a flip "I call it thinking" answer to a question about his frequent flip-flops on issues, Crist added that some of his flip-flops are, in part,  because, "the older I get the more tolerant I become."

Early in the interview Crist laments that, "I'm a guy who over the years has been pro-life, pro-family, anti-tax, for less governemt, for more freedom. That used to be an 'A' on the Republican test. This year it's not."

See a video of the nearly hour-long interview here.




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