New poll - Scott 43, McCollum 29
New Jewish group campaigning against Crist

Scott's campaign says GOP lawmakers "behind the 8 ball"

Eler In an email this afternoon to campaign staff, Rick Scott spokesman Joe Kildea suggests that Florida's GOP leaders in Tallahassee might want to rethink their support of Bill McCollum.

Kildea writes: The new PPP Poll out today with numbers for the Republican Primary showing Rick Scott with a commanding 43-29 lead. After spend $8 million in 8 weeks attacking Rick Scott with his negative ads that have backfired, Bill McCollum has put Florida Republican state legislative candidates behind the 8 ball with the money they have wasted funding Bill McCollum’s negative attacks – money that should have been spent working to grow our legislative majorities.

We're only guessing but Crowley Political Report would not be surprised if the campaign sends out an "8-8-8" themed press release. The Scott campaign seems to like triple digits. Their economic plan is "7-7-7."

Which of course leaves the Scott campaign open to a counterattack by rivals who might suggest Scott is "6-6-6."

One Scott insider claims that internal polls are even stronger than the PPP result with internals showing Scott with a 19 point lead. Whatever the real numbers - a double digit deficit is gloomy news for McCollum.


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