McCollum not sure about Everglades deal
Lois Frankel would like to stick around

John Stemberger joins hands with Rudy Giuliani

Rncfinal Anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, anti-gambling, John Stemberger has joined with the far less "anti" Rudy Giuliani in endorsing Attorney General Bill McCollum for governor.

Stemberger is not known as a fan of the former New York City mayor and presidential candidate.

Crowley Political Report did a little quick research and came up with these tidbits about Stemberger's feeling about Guiliani and a couple of other interesting nuggets.

"If the party nominates a social liberal like Giuliani, there's not only the potential, but there's an inevitability of a split," says John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council, a politically active social-conservative group. "Republicans will learn if that happens, they're going to a pay a price for nominating a social liberal"  Wall Street Journal May 16, 2007

"I predict that if he does get the nomination, Republicans will lose," John Stemberger, an Orlando attorney and prominent Christian conservative leader in Florida, said of a potential matchup between Giuliani and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.). "When confronted with two liberal New Yorkers, both pro-abortion and pro-gay rights, [Christian conservatives] are going to vote for a third-party candidate."  Politico Sept. 26, 2007.

Stemberger became a big fan of Fred Thompson's campaign for president.

"There's a consensus developing around him (Thompson) that's pretty clear and pretty profound," said John Stemberger, president of the Florida Family Policy Council, an Orlando-based conservative group. "I've never seen anything like it in 25 years in politics." Boston Globe July 2007

Six months later Stemberger changed his mind.

Conservative heavyweight John Stemberger withdrew his support for GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson today and is now backing former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.

Huckabee, a Baptist minister, is “without question the best candidate to breathe new life and fresh hope into a nation” and has a “solid record as a champion for pro-life and pro-family values,” Stemberger said in a statement released by Huckabee’s campaign. Palm Beach Post Jan. 2008

Maybe Stemberger is backing McCollum because he needs a friend in Tallahassee after aggressively attacking state Sen. John Thrasher of Jacksonville who is also chairman of the Florida Republican Party.

Stemberger supported Thrasher's opponent in the special election last year to fill the seat of Jim King who died while in office.

Stemberger sent out this missive in Sept. 2009:

I am very proud to endorse Dan Quiggle for State Senate District 8. . .Even though I consider Dan a friend, I was going to stay out the race. But when I learned that Dan’s opponent John Thrasher took money from the gambling industry; that he personally lobbies for gaming interests and that his campaign spokesperson works for the gambling industry, that was enough for me to come out and publicly declare Dan Quiggle as the clear choice for conservative pro-family republicans.”

 There was even a time when Stemberger was not so hot about McCollum.

In 2004, Stemberger supported Mel Martinez in the U.S. Senate race and accused McCollum of "catering to the radical homosexual lobby."

Six years later, Stemberger supports McCollum for governor.

Which begs the question - is Stemberger politically savy or just an opportunist?



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ugg knightsbridge

I think your idea was great! Analysis of very unique! You good ah! You do things its own characteristics ah!


Your title, "John Stemberger joins hands with Rudy Giuliani" is misleading. How is he joining hands with Rudy by endorsing McCollum? Do you join hands with all child pedophiles who voted for the same person you voted for in the last election? Do I join hands with Hitler because we both drink water? Your reasoning is horrible. I suggest you delete this article before anyone can read it.

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