Charlie Crist's statement to FDLE in Greer case
Gov. Charlie Crist sent a sworn written affidavit to FDLE agents investigating former Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer.
Crist responded with eight points:
1. I personally know Jim Greer, former Chairman of the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF).
2. Since Mr. Greer's resignation as Chairman of RPOF, I have learned of a company called Victory Strategies, LLC.
3. Prior to Mr. Greene's resignation as Chairman, I had never heard of Victory Strategies, LLC.
4. Prior to his resignationa as Chairman, I was not aware of any relationship whatsoever between Victory Strategies LLC and RPOF.
5. I did not authorize Mr. Greer or RPOF to enter into a contract with Victory Strategies, LLC.
6. Mr. Greer had never discussed with me any plans he might have had to contract as a fundraiser or vendor, personally or through his involvement in any coporation or legal entity, with RPOF.
7. Had Mr. Greer told me he wanted to contract with RPOF in any way, I would have insisted that he inform the Executive Board of RPOF and fully disclose his involvement. I would have insisted on this so that the Board could have made a fully informed decision about whether or not RPOF should contract with Mr. Greer, its then Chairman, who was already paid an annual salary pursuant to RPOF rules.
8. If he had failed to make the disclosure listed in paragraph 7 above, I would have informed the Executive Board myself.
Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. So, whatever what you do, just work hard and think seriously, then the success will not far away from you.
Posted by: Nike Shox Deliver | 07/06/2010 at 10:54 PM
Crist is a LIAR and a PIG!
Posted by: Soccer Mom | 07/04/2010 at 02:16 AM
Now we sit back and hold our breath and see how many accept the challenge ~and~ possess the ability to dig and determine.
Posted by: P. Sanchez | 07/01/2010 at 04:41 PM