Robert Wexler - ambassador to Israel?
Florida ranks 6th among the most corrupt states

Liberal Democrats love Arizona Law

These are often described as the most liberal of liberal Democrats.

They helped put and keep "fire breathing liberal" Robert Wexler in Congress until he decided to resign in search of better things.

But they didn't sound very liberal the other day. Sipping on coffee, some cupping ears, often interrupting speakers with loud "be quiets" to the rest of the crowd, these are the Democratic voters of Century Village.

This is a place where your candidate better be pro-choice, pro-union, pro-Medicare, pro-Social Security and pro-Israel.

They are also pro-Arizona. When the topic of Arizona's Immigration Law came up it became very clear that these liberal Democrats would favor having the same law in Florida. And they way some of them expressed their feeling also suggested that they would prefer that "those people" weren't here at all.

This is an interesting political dilemma for candidates  - especially Democrats - who might be inclined to oppose the Arizona law.


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