Salon: Kendrick Meek, the odd man out in Florida?
Campaigning and the rule of 30

Feuding Democrats in Broward

Donkr Okay so Democrats in Broward are always feuding. Lot's of drama, intrigue and backstabbing.

Bob Norman, who writes the Daily Pulp blog, has gained a huge following with his reporting on political shenanigans in Broward.  Norman is not shy about offering his strong opinions.

"Recently Broward Democratic chief and tax dollar-sucking lobbyist Mitch Ceasar, the grand pooh-bah of the whole donkey gang, has been back to his old tricks, trying to run the Tamarac Democratic Club out of existence."

That's the nicest thing Norman says in his recent post which sets off a storm of commentary.

Norman concludes by calling for action: Contact Karen Thurman and tell her that you want justice done. Email her at  [email protected] tell her you're from Broward County and you're sick and tired of her being a tool of Ceasar and want a full investigation conducted of all that has happened at the Tamarac Democratic Club. 

Odds of Ceasar stepping down? an investigation? that any of this will matter?



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